My Philosophy

As we go within the self, we discover that all the voices of our past lives are still there. As we peel ourselves, which is a process very much like peeling an onion, we discover that there are many selves within the self.

- Frederick Lenz

My philosophy of psychotherapy is based on valuing the human condition.  In addition, I believe attachment and connection are essential for all of us. Interpersonal connections are one of the most influential parts of our lives. Our early relationships model our future relationships. Connection is a basic human need, but sometimes our relationships can be fraught with misunderstandings, anger, or jealousy. These very human emotions can sometimes get in the way of our ability to connect. Relationships can be painful, and if we have not learned the skills to assist us in managing relationships and attachment, then relationships can be a source of pain and frustration.

My perspective of psychotherapy and my unique tools of intervention are structured to help you with all of the above. Psychotherapy provides a unique opportunity to engage in a relationship with someone, unlike any other connection in your life. Our working relationship will reveal typical patterns and beliefs that you hold about yourself, others, and the world. You will have a unique opportunity to explore your view of relationships and how someone else views you, others, and the world.

Psychotherapy is an evolving process that is also developmental. Through working on the issues you are facing, you will learn different skills and techniques to cope with life’s difficulties. Additionally, psychotherapy involves gaining insight into the personal patterns you have developed to manage life’s difficulties. Within these patterns of coping are both strengths and weaknesses. We will focus on your strengths as we continue to build them and explore the patterns that may be setting you up for difficulty. This process is often referred to as “the layers of the onion,” which continue to be peeled away.

All these explorations and learnings will be done in an atmosphere of trust and safety, allowing you to become increasingly honest and trusting. Trust and vulnerability are strengths. When we have experienced relationship trauma, often the result of abuse or neglect, we protect and separate ourselves from others. While necessary at times, this can also hinder our relationships with family, friends, and significant others.

In our work together, I will notice where you are on that developmental timeline and apply skills and techniques as appropriate to your needs and life journey. I believe psychotherapy is a process of self-discovery and self-management. The better relationship we have with ourselves, including self-trust, self-love, and compassion, the better we can engage with others and create the life we long for.

Therapy is an amazing journey of awakening that takes courage and bravery. I honor your courage in this endeavor.

Visit our Office

KELLY D. MAYER, MS, LMHC, NCC, 24 COPELAND AVE., HOMER, NY 13077   – Therapy for individuals, Couples and Families

 Phone: 315-696-1811   /   Email: [email protected]